Famous people

Wow, we are always stoked when we get pictures of our fans in Superdik shirts visiting the in-laws, doing gymnastics or making their own vodka. Over the years we received a lot of pictures, and our goal is to make this page an endless wall of fan photos, that will need the power of two computer mouses to scroll all the way down: help us reach that goal!








banana shareholder meeting 






 Ice Cream Van, somewhere in Portugal 








Bas - Dekmantel Festival, Amsterdam

Belgrade - Maurits


Belgrade - Gijs


Serbia, Belgrade 


Clemens - somewhere sunny

Taj Mahal - Fons


The Superdik Team - Amsterdam

Beijing - Philip


Sylvie - Rotterdam


Hugo - Amsterdam

Olivier - Amsterdam

Katrien - Amsterdam


Kansas City - Nancy & Nancie!

Nicay - Groningen

Amsterdam - Noelle


Amsterdam - Bassie!

Amsterdam - DJ Tettero met een kegel 

Rotterdam - Marin 

Rotterdam - Wouter practices his Premiere League i-just-scored-an-amazing-goal move


Amsterdam - Damiaandeelhouder


UK, London - Shaun goes bananas


Rotterdam - 4 in a row

Rotterdam - Matthijs E. owns all the 9 Superdik collectors edition shirts ever made 

Amsterdam - Martijn 

Rotterdam - Daan , the world looks better 90 degrees to the left 



Rotterdam - Sven going jungle style in his fresh banana t-shirt


Utrecht - Irene rocking the white banana share


Rock meets paper

Where is the rock now? 

Bicycles in Mexico


Awake - Eric & Robert

Rotterdam - Dj Farlane

NYC meetup between a rock and a paper


Milano, Karel


Wappie New Year, Niels

Celebrating the first shirt, Eric, Olaf, Martijn


Tel Aviv - Martijn

Q-day Festival - Joris Voorn


Argentina -  Fons 

Rotterdam - Laury, Damiaan, Fred, Alex

Rock meets Scissors - Nick, Lotte


Gaspard Augé, Justice - Lille

Maastricht - Jonas

Utrecht - The Making of the Bandit Club 


Athens - Adriaan

Rotterdam - Peter

Awake - Gunnar

Amsterdam - Bas



Rotterdam  - Caroline



Beiing - Michiel 


Rotterdam - Koen


Wakeboarding with your Superdik on


Rotterdam - Sven

Ibiza, Daan & Philip


Rotterdamn fine, JW

Scissors meets paper -  Manolo, Daan

Amsterdam - Rogier, JW

Bali - Where is the God Rave the Queen? 


postal paradise 


Jeroen, Fons, Michiel, Suus


Curacao - Pieter


Bandit Bas

Bicycle fans 

Fans on Ibiza


Getting the shirts ready for take off


You found me!